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From Ground To Cup

What makes Organo Gold products so special?

A little-known ingredient known as Ganoderma. Here’s the story behind this miraculous ingredient, and the mushroom from whence it came…

Finding the Fungus

Once upon a time there was a fungus — an incredible mushroom known as Ganoderma lucidum. But there’s nothing common about this species. Ganoderma lucidum is a very important type of mushroom because of its extensive use in traditional Asian medicine.

The Wonder Mushroom

Ganoderma are a fantastic-looking mushroom, resembling something supernatural, or straight out of a fairy tale such as Alice in Wonderland. The mushrooms are unique in that they grow on wood, mostly out of large trees (living or dead) in forests in the more tropical regions of Asia. Their long brown stems and orange-colored caps make them a spectacular sight, but in the wild they can be hard to see because they thrive in such heavily forested areas. At Organo Gold, we source only the finest quality Ganoderma, grown undisturbed on logs high in the Wuyi Mountains of China’s Fuzhou region.

The King of Herbs

For thousands of years, Ganoderma lucidum has been recognized by Asian medicine as the highest ranked of all herbs. The Chinese name for Ganoderma, Lingzhi, means “spiritual potency,” while the Japanese name, Reishi, can be translated as the “King of Herbs.”

From the Ming Dynasty to Modern Chinese Medicine

Dr. Shi-Jean Lee — the most renowned doctor of the Ming Dynasty — strongly endorsed the effectiveness of Ganoderma in his famous book Great Pharmacopoeia [Ban Chao Gang Moo]. In it, he wrote that “long-term taking of Ganoderma will build a strong, healthy body and assure a long life.”

The Natural Difference

The Ganoderma lucidium variety that produces the valuable spores so prized in Chinese herbal medicine is unique in that it grows in wooden trees or logs. But some companies harvest their Ganoderma using plastic bags, which means the precious spores cannot effectively propagate, which makes plastic bag-harvested Ganoderma much less potent.

Organo Gold Goes Organic

Organo Gold is the only North American company who has partnered with the largest certified organic Ganoderma plantations in the world to bring this “treasure of life” to the Western world. In 2009, Organo Gold and its partners celebrated the groundbreaking of their $240 million Gano Herb Industrial Park, the largest of its kind in the world.

The Process

So how does this amazing looking mushroom end up in our coffee, tea and cocoa products or nutritional supplements? The agricultural and food scientists at Organo Gold and its partners start off with only organically grown Ganoderma. Employing the latest technologies, they gently dry, sterilize and process the mushrooms from a tough, wood-like cap, into a fine powder using only natural processes.

The Products

Once the Ganoderma mushrooms have been transformed, it is added to the Organo Gold family of products, including beverages such as our Gourmet Black Coffee, Gourmet Café Latte, Gourmet Café Mocha, and Organic Green Tea. The Ganoderma is also an ingredient in our personal care product line including OG Smile Toothpaste and G3 Premium Beauty Soap. And of course in its purest form it can be found in our nutraceuticals products, encased in a vegetable capsule in the Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum Mycelium and Ganoderma Spore Powder supplements.

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