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June 20 is National Vanilla Milkshake Day

National Vanilla Milkshake Day

Five Food Finds about Milkshakes

  1. The first known printed reference to a “milkshake” dates back to 1885 and contains whiskey as one ingredient. For medicinal purposes only.

  2. Milkshakes got their name from being served in bars. If the customer enjoyed the milkshake, he shook hands with the bartender. If not, the bartender didn’t get a tip.

  3. According to The Guinness Book of World Records, in 2000 Ira Freehof (owner of Comfort Diners), (with a lot of help from Parmalot USA and The American Dairy Association), made the world’s largest milkshake. At 6,000 gallons it was the equivalent of 50,000 normal-sized shakes. Do you want fries with that? (Please say no, you don’t need anything else to eat or drink after that, especially not fatty fries.)

  4. Malted milk powder was invented in 1897 by James and William Horlick, but it was Ivar Coulson, a soda jerk for…

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