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Ganoderma By the Numbers

Ganoderma By the Numbers

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By now you know that here Organo Gold, one of the things that lies at the heart of all our products is Ganoderma lucidum. This miraculous mushroom extract is found in all of our products, from our Caramel Vanilla BrewKups to our Organic Green Tea, and even our grin-inducing OG Smile toothpaste.

Because this incredible ingredient is both flavorless and imperceptible in our products, sometimes Distributors find it difficult to initiate a conversation about Ganoderma and its many amazing properties.

So today we thought we’d give you a Ganoderma By the Numbers blog post — a sort of instant “cheat sheet” to go to whenever you’d like to bring the topic of conversation around to the truly unique properties of this amazing ingredient that truly makes OG stand apart from all others.

240 million: The number of dollars behind the state-of-the-art facility which Organo Gold uses in partnership with the Fujian Xianzhilou Biological Science and Technology Company — the only company that produces 100% certified organic Ganoderma.

1,000: The kilogram weight of Ganoderma lucidum it takes to harvest just one kilogram of the precious Ganoderma spores.

99.9: The percentage of cracked shell spores found in Organo Gold Ganoderma lucidum. Compare that with the 2%—15% of cracked shell spores that other companies achieve with their Ganoderma capsules, and you’ll see how vastly superior the OG products truly are.

25: The number of years ago that a group of dedicated Chinese scientists set out to produce Ganoderma that was organic, pure, naturally grown and log-harvested. That is the Ganoderma that we now know and enjoy here at OG.

20: The number of Organo Gold products that are infused with the proven health benefits of the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom.

There are innumerable more reasons why Organo Gold products are second to none. Join us here on the site and the blog, explore our products, add your own numbers to this list, and see your business grow!

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