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Cheese and zaatar sticks

Facing an empty lunch box every morning can be an intimidating task. You want to give your kids something healthy, tasty and interesting yet you can hardly keep your eyes open and you’re running late (because of the evil snooze button ). The kids are fighting over who should be the first to brush their teeth! To add to the joy of it all, one of them must lose something every morning: a watch, socks, pants, pencil case, you name it, they’ll misplace it!!

If you ask me,keeping your sanity on school mornings is hard enough without the whole lunchbox dilemma! But I have a secret weapon for facing the daily madness:

Planning ahead!

I have a list and a board in my kitchen specially dedicated to the kids’ lunchboxes. The list contains various options for dairy, vegetables, fruits, protein, carbs and treats (I will share it with you later…

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