When you think of home, what do you imagine? You might picture a house from your past, your favorite neighborhood hangout, or a city you miss. And while home is often found on a map, it can also be less tangible: a loved one, a state of mind, a forgotten time.
What does home look like to you? Share an image in a new post.
When I think of home, I think especially of my Great Dane Jefke
Today’s Tip: Before we dive into this course, make sure you’re comfortable with your camera! Brush up and read your camera manual, or explore the features in your camera phone. You’re free to use any type of equipment, from your smartphone to a point-and-shoot, or your dSLR or something else.
Sincerely Theo Herbots
Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.
Bron: Plop