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Theo Herbots TV English Bible study

Theo Herbots TV English Bible study

I have the time yet known when almost everyone was believing Christian in Flanders and it was even pointed at with the finger when someone said, “I believe in nothing.”

Times change and people too, the more increased prosperity, the less importance was attached to Faith Christian traditions faded and churches were empty.

Even more of those who still believe there are many who do not even dare to come out of fear of negative comments.

Christmas will still celebrated, but many know the meaning it no longer.

Marriages must be consecrated Christian, without anyone has any knowledge of what is the meaning of this ceremony.

Children are baptized without the parents or the godfather and the meter to know what they are doing.

Many laugh at the Bible without that they know what it says.

Therefore, I am back The Bible studying and going to try to give these studies here at Theo Herbots TV again.

I will soon change my translation program, so that they can be translated into 56 languages so I can reach many people as possible worldwide

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