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How to create a text widget on WordPress? Theo Herbots //Hoe maak je een tekst widget op WordPress ?

How to create a text widget on WordPress? Theo Herbots

1) Go to your administration panel 2) Go to display 3) Go to widgets 4) Text (widget) 5) Give a title 6) paste the html in there 7) How to create html? 8) Look down here

(There’s also a shortcut — open a draft post, and create your text, Drawing  and link there using the editor’s link tools. Then, switch into the “HTML” editor view. The code will be there, and you can copy and paste it into your widget. You can trash the draft post.)

I give below an example of how to proceed. I got a random text and drawing placed between the horizon talle cross lines.

Between these lines cross you can see how it looks on the back of the page.

Copy this into a text widget and ready

See the text widgets that I’ve made in the sidebar and down my site in this way.


25Bewegende pijl


<b><a href=””><img src=”; border=”0″ data-pin-nopin=”true” /> <h2><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-94″ src=”; alt=”25Bewegende pijl” width=”128″ height=”32″ data-pin-nopin=”true” />➽➽click here ☚ 


In a subsequent post I’ll teach you how to insert a video into a word widget.

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Greetings Theo Herbots


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