Jose Strengths to Category 4 Hurricane in the Caribbean |
Jose now has top sustained winds of 150 mph Hurrican Tropical Storm Jose Could Hit As Another Hurricane Right After Irma Even while...
Jose now has top sustained winds of 150 mph Hurrican Tropical Storm Jose Could Hit As Another Hurricane Right After Irma Even while...
Theo Herbots the voice from #Tienen Bron: Finite Bewaren Bewaren #BronFinite #HurricaneIrma #StMaarten #TheoHerbotsthevoicefromTienen
Hurricane scientists have never seen an image like this before For the first time in modern history, three hurricanes in the Atlantic are...
Read this message on my blog in 110 languages Stel U voor vandaag heb je nog “ALLES”, een huis, gezellige inboedel, luxe, comfort, eten...
Never seen yet: Irma has wind speed of 300 km per hour for 34 hours and ravage is named Orkaan Irma heeft nu al 34 uur lang windsnelheden...
Those who claim that there is no warming up of the climate and that the consequences are not so bad either. Check out these videos ...
Check out the other reports about hurricanes in this area Sincerely Theo Herbots...
Harvey has not yet consumed, and here is Hurricane Irma already. And it's not a joke again De eilanden Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius en...
What you see now in Houston is simply our future. And still we do not want to get it De beelden die we nu over ons heen krijgen van het...
Praying for Texas In Houston schijnt vandaag voor het eerst in dagen weer een schraal zonnetje. Ook het water is eindelijk aan het...
Praying for Texas Laat ons solidair zijn met dem mensen in Texas, volg deze verhalen en deel ze met Uw volgers Let us be solid with those...
I feel like I have rewritten the message Good luck for all those in Texas Share this message via Social Media to emphasize your...